Yield: 6
Author: Live Like Magick
Cake Batter Ice Cream

Cake Batter Ice Cream

Making Cake Batter Ice Cream at home is a breeze and results in a lusciously creamy texture. You can have it ready for freezing in less than an hour. Personalize it by adding your favorite toppings, such as sprinkles, to make it uniquely yours.
Prep time: 1 H & 5 MTotal time: 1 H & 5 M
Cook modePrevent screen from turning off



  1. Combine cake mix and sugar in a medium bowl. Whisk together until combined and free of clumps.
  2. Add milk and whisk until well combined.
  3. Add remaining ingredients and whisk until well combined again.
  4. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  5. Add to ice cream maker. Freeze according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  6. Transfer to a quart container and freeze until ready to serve.

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